Hi friends, I’m Kristen!
I’m here to empower you through real food nutrition, babystep lifestyle changes, and an I’m-here-for-you attitude.
You’re a 30- to 40-something woman who is tired of being tired and is ready to commit to making the necessary changes that it’ll take to live a healthier, more vibrant life.
Allow me show you the ropes!

I used to be confused about food, unable to sleep or relax, unhealthy, and struggling with imbalanced hormones, brain fog, and major anxiety if I didn’t eat every 2 hours. I didn’t understand why all the working out and eating what I was “supposed” to be eating wasn’t making me the perfect picture of health, beauty, and fertility that “they” say you’re supposed to be if you follow “their” rules.
We’ve been overloaded with tons of lies about what it takes to be optimally healthy. Once I dove into all the lies and began to learn the proven science behind holistic nutrition and Nutritional Therapy, I revamped my entire life over the course of a few years.
Gone are the days where I slept less than 4 hours, stuffed my face with tons of carbs (because hey, you’re “supposed” to have 6-11 servings of grains PER DAY!), couldn’t focus on work (let alone make a plan for what I wanted to do with my life), and suffered excruciating PMS symptoms.
If I can do it, you DEFINITELY can.
My optimal health philosophy is this: just eat real food (#JERF) and move your body a little every day. Eat all the amazing, whole, unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods that have always been food. Nothing out of a box, a bag, or created in a lab.
Warning: Eating real food means you’ll have to ditch nutrition dogma and processed crap. That really helped me to be able to go for longer periods between meals (being ravenously hungry every 2 hours is NOT NORMAL – unless you’re pregnant), balance my hormones, get 7-8 hours of restful sleep per night, and banish the brain fog.
Welcome to my little home on the world wide web. I’m so glad you’re here!
If you’re ready to jump in…

Subscribe to my email list and I’ll immediately send you a free Meal Plan Template + 5-step Cheatsheet. This will help you take that first step towards planning healthier meals. Each week, I send out nutritional tips, recipes, and other Bloom Nutrition exclusives to my subscribers.

Sign up for my free Facebook group called Boost Your Energy. Get Better Sleep. Every day, I give tips, tricks, and tidbits for improving your daily energy levels and your sleep.

Nutritional coaching for 1 month (a kickstart called the Energy Recovery Program) or for 3 months (a more comprehensive package called Sweet Freedom). Click here to fill me in on your health goals or struggles, and we’ll schedule a free 20-minute call to chat about how we can work together to achieve your goals and banish your struggles.