
Meat, oil, and vegetables to represent protein, healthy fats, and carbs
Cooking, Dieting, Energy Recovery, Fatigue, Goal-Setting, Health Journey, Increase Energy, Meat, Nutritional Therapy

Are you eating the right carbs, fats, and proteins for your body?

Together, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are also known as macronutrients, which are classes of nutrients that all humans need in large quantities for optimal health. Each person’s ideal fat, protein, and carb intake will vary based on activity level, goals, digestive health, age, etc.

Dieting, Fatigue, Increase Energy, Meat, Uncategorized, Weight Loss

Convinced you should avoid meat? Part I

Guaranteed, every single time I tell someone that I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, they always reply, “Oh, well I’ve been trying to eat less meat,” or “I know I should go vegan, but I just have a hard time giving meat up,” or “I’ve been thinking about going vegetarian since meat’s not good for you.” Guess what? I don’t think you should give up meat.

Plates, dishes, food
Dieting, Energy Recovery, Fatigue, Goal-Setting, Health Journey, Hungry, Increase Energy, Lifestyle, Meal Prep, Nutritional Therapy

Always Tired & Hungry? 30 Reasons Why + Tips to Banish Both (Reasons 25-27)

When you’re hungry, your body doesn’t have the proper nutrients to provide energy, fuel your brain, or replenish your cells. This can cause a whole host of annoying symptoms, including sleepiness and fatigue. Here’s more tips on how to combat all that!