Plates, dishes, food

Always Tired & Hungry? 30 Reasons Why + Tips to Banish Both (Reasons 25-27)

Have you heard the phrase “Food is fuel?” We eat primarily for survival.

We eat so that our bodies have the proper nutrients to provide energy, fuel our brains, and replenish our cells.

Oppositely, being hungry can cause:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Hanger
  • Impulsivity
  • Brain fog
  • Lack of focus
  • Decreased awareness
  • Inability to concentrate

Below are 3 more reasons why you’re inexplicably hungry and how to fix that.

Catch up:

25) THE REASON: You eat off large plates.

To your brain, a typical portion of food may appear smaller on a large plate and can trick you into thinking you aren’t eating enough food. Then you feel “hungry” enough to eat it all and might actually overeat.

Aside from caloric intake, feeling full or hungry can also be based on the perception of food quantity.


In one study, participants said they were satisfied for longer periods of time after researchers showed them that a large portion of fruit went into their smoothie compared to participants who were shown a small piece of fruit.

And both groups were given the same size smoothie!


Trick your brain into feeling fuller by using smaller plates and cups to make your portions seem larger.


Eating off huge plates may actually make you feel hungrier.

26) THE REASON: You rarely prepare your own meals.

Yes, you’re saving time, but you’re also negatively impacting your health.

Eating out and eating processed snacks are known to be loaded with unpronounceable chemicals, tons of sodium, and huge amounts of sugar. Each of those, in their own way, contribute to your feeling hungry – even if you just ate.


  1. Try preparing the majority of your own meals and snacks at home. You’ll be able to control the amount of appetite-revving additives, sugars, and sodium, and you’ll also consume fewer calories!
  2. Does the task of cooking most of your meals at home seem really daunting? It doesn’t have to be! Let me show you how easy it is. Click here for more info.


Cooking at home is healthier, and it helps curb your hunger pangs.

27) THE REASON: You eat too often.

Are you a grazer? Grazing all day can throw your hunger hormones out of whack.

When you eat lots of small bites and don’t actually sit down to real meals, you never feel truly hungry, and never feel truly full.

You’re just vaguely hungry all the time and your appetite cues become muted.


  1. Eat roughly every four hours. Make sure you’re getting the right balance of macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates – see Reasons #1-#3).
  2. If you have a day where your meals will be more than 4 hours apart, bring a hearty snack, such as nuts or well-sourced jerky.


Leave the grazing to the cows. Try eating 3 square meals a day.

Only one installment of this series left! Aren’t you sad?

Did any of these reasons sound like you? If so, which one?

Let me know in the comments below.

Catch up on the previous installments:

If you’re always tired and hungry, and would love some one-on-one nutritional coaching from yours truly, click here.