New Year, New Diet... Again? | Bloom Nutrition | Kristen Hobson

New Year, New Diet… Again?

Are you tired of beating yourself up for not being able to stick to your New Year’s resolution diet, year after year?

Would you be open to a different approach, if it meant feeling better and becoming more healthy?

Here’s something different: Nutritional Therapy. “What’s that?” you ask?

Welcome to my first post! Nutritional Therapy is based on the premise that in order for the human body to function optimally, one must eat a nutrient-dense, whole foods diet. And also try to mitigate stress, of course!

Due to processed foods, increasing amounts of overwhelming stress, and a whole host of other negative things, humans are sicker and more overweight than ever.

Yes, we may live longer due to modern medicine, but how great is someone’s quality of life when they’re eating only processed foods and they’re taking a handful of medications with icky side effects?

It’s time to get our health back. Get back to our “healthy,” as I like to say.

When’s the last time you felt your absolute best?

What does your “healthy” feel like? Do you even remember?

Consider the concept of bioindividuality: every body is different. There’s no one way to eat that’s perfect for every person. Maybe this year, make a completely different resolution instead of trying a new diet:

  • Maybe find some books to read up on your favorite health topic – there are still libraries around! There’s quite a few listed on my Resources page if you’re curious where to start.
  • Request copies of your health records next time you go to the doctor, and then investigate what exactly all those numbers mean. Better yet, ask your doctor to walk you through what each of them mean for your health.
  • Check out your local health foods store to see if they have anyone giving any educational talks soon that you can attend.
  • Find a health blogger to follow. Doesn’t have to be me. Once a week, I post blog posts with recipes, nutrition tips, educational tidbits, and lots more.
  • Sign up for my email list here and I’ll send you a free Meal Plan Template + 5 Step Cheatsheet. Then I’ll email you once a week with all kinds of nutritional goodies, as well as some other great stuff that’s only available to subscribers.
  • Or you can contact me to chat about how Nutritional Therapy can help you.

The #1 most important thing you can do for your health and your family’s health right now is to start reducing or even eliminate your reliance on processed foods.

Anything from fast food, to jars of sauces and jams and dips, to tv dinners, to protein bars, to gluten-free pre-packaged muffins are all considered processed foods. Especially if there are any chemical ingredients you can’t pronounce!


Are you ready to free yourself from the diet resolution merry-go-round?

Are you ready to get back in touch with your “healthy?”

What’s something new for your health that you’re going to do this year?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

If you want to kick dieting for good and learn how to eat healthfully (as well as lose some weight in the process!), click here for some one-on-one nutritional coaching from yours truly.