Homemade Peaches & Cream Popsicles

Summertime Sweetener-Free Peaches & Cream Popsicles

As soon as I tasted a peach from the bushel we received from a farm in South Carolina, my mind exploded with all kinds of recipe ideas for these blissful orbs of Nature’s candy.

Behold, a refreshing summer treat with no sweetener other than the tasty peaches themselves! Sugar schmooger.



10-12 popsicles, depending on your mold

Prep time

>10 minutes

Freeze time

3-6 hours, or overnight


  • 4 ripe peaches

  • 1 can full-fat coconut cream or coconut milk

  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

  • A couple pinches of Himalayan Pink salt

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric (optional, for color)


  • Slice the peaches and drop them into a blender. I prefer to leave the skin on for added color and nutrients, but you’re welcome to peel them.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender.
  • Blend!
  • Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 3 hours, perhaps longer than that.
  • When ready to serve, fill a deep bowl with warm water. Place the molds into the bowl for 20-30 seconds – be careful not to submerge them all the way, or else you’ll end up with soggy pops!
  • Take them out and use the popsicle stick to wiggle them back and forth until they each are freed from the mold. Enjoy!

Drooling yet? Let me know if you’re going to try these – I’d love to hear your thoughts!