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Dieting, Fatigue, Increase Energy, Meat, Uncategorized, Weight Loss

Convinced you should avoid meat? Part I

Guaranteed, every single time I tell someone that I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, they always reply, “Oh, well I’ve been trying to eat less meat,” or “I know I should go vegan, but I just have a hard time giving meat up,” or “I’ve been thinking about going vegetarian since meat’s not good for you.” Guess what? I don’t think you should give up meat.

Plates, dishes, food
Dieting, Energy Recovery, Fatigue, Goal-Setting, Health Journey, Hungry, Increase Energy, Lifestyle, Meal Prep, Nutritional Therapy

Always Tired & Hungry? 30 Reasons Why + Tips to Banish Both (Reasons 25-27)

When you’re hungry, your body doesn’t have the proper nutrients to provide energy, fuel your brain, or replenish your cells. This can cause a whole host of annoying symptoms, including sleepiness and fatigue. Here’s more tips on how to combat all that!